Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lit up for the Holidays!

Hiiiiiiii! Feliz Navidad! Felicidades!! The holidays are here!! Today is December 26, 2011, the day after Christmas and I’m feeling JOLLY. Ha! Before I get to the holidays, I want to mention a few fun things that have happened since I got back from Iguazu Falls, Argentina around Thanksgiving. Well, I’ll start off with a bummer. Monetti and I officially finished our Spanish classes which totally bums us out. I love Vivi (our sassy Spanish teacher) and am going to miss going to class. However, we already have plans to hang out “outside of school” with Vivi in February so I look forward to that. On the upside, I received a really cool card from Lara Torii, all the way from Malaysia. Lara is a 2nd year GSV, like me, serving internationally in Malaysia this year. It’s so cool to get a letter from the other side of the world from a super cool friend. I also was excited to receive more mail from another awesome friend, keeping me updated on Westchester’s Finest. Vote for Bernice Spreckman!

You wanna know something? One of my favorite things about receiving mail here, besides the fact that it comes 3 months after it is sent, is just looking at the handwriting of the person who wrote it. I keep the envelopes just because it’s so fun for me to look at the handwriting. It makes me feel like at some point the person on the other end was physically touching the same piece of paper, it was in their house, or apartment, or desk..maybe there’s even a little coffee stain on the paper, or smudge that came from their world all the way to my world here. It really is so cool. I never thought, ever, that handwriting/paper can make me smile as much as it does.
            What else is cool? Oh Mbopi, our black cat had kittens this month!!! Let me give a quick shortened version of this. So the Sisters say “no animals allowed.” Yet, we have managed to be taking care of two dogs and Mbopi, our cat. Well, I get a call at almost 11pm one night from one of this Sisters. Jessica Come To My House Right Now. Me “Sister, its 11pm, what happened? Did something happen?” (Remember my bedtime is 9:30pm). Jessica and Krystina, Come here now. So we walk 30 feet into their house to see them pointing at Mbopi who is chillen in their bookcase all bloody because she just gave birth to two kittens. I could not help but hysterically laugh. Out of all the places for our cat to give birth, did she really have to creep into the sister’s house and do it inside their book case?? Classic. Anyways, one kitten died the day after it was born which made me cry. The other one just died a few days ago. The sisters say that the kittens born this time of year have a hard time surviving because the heat is too intense. So, that has been a huge bummer but we also feel bad for Mbopi so we have been trying to be extra happy around her because we know that she is sad. What else? Oh, we randomly found ourselves at a free Retro-Cumbia dance concert one night where this creepy old man became Krystina’s boyfriend. At one point, we got up right under the stage in front of the huge crowd and TRIED to dance Cumbia- looking like complete idiots who are used to breakin it down to Rihanna, Gaga, and I’ll even say reggeaton, but not Retro-Cumbia. So, we jumped around and made complete fools of ourselves, as per usual.  We have been invited to communions and graduations which have been a total blast! It is so so cool to experience the “same traditions” like communions and school graduations, yet the celebrations are so uniquely different. So cool.

What else? One of the cute retired sisters here eats the inside of grapes. She peels grapes and just eats the insides. Too precious. She also told me I’m not allowed to eat too many mangoes because I’ll get sick. Another random sidenote- there is a bird here we have recently discovered that is half chicken half joke- the front looks like a duck but then it turns around and has the feathers of a chicken! Who knew Paraguay had Dickens? Another side-note is that Monetti went to the skin specialist here because she got another boil on her arm. Aside from her randomly sharing terere (cold tea that everyone drinks here) with the random taxi driver, she came home with her prescription to solve her problem: Lady Speed Stick Spray Deodorant.

            We recently started working with Escuela Taller which has been so awesome! Inside “The Obra” there are all these different jobs- all of which reach out to the families who can use the most resources. I work with the women/Fair Trade program which enables them to bring in an income for their children. Another “obra” is Escuela Taller. This is a place for the children to stay, a safe place. The kids- play sports, music, paint, etc. It’s a recreational place for the kids, giving them a safe place to just be kids. Monetti and I have been in charge of 3 sessions with them. In the first two, we led Zumba Dance classes and the last one we played soccer and volleyball. I’m already obsessed with the kids and we have only worked with them 3 times!  We are going to be working more with them in February. I cannot wait! There is no energy that is equivalent to that of youth- its uniquely fresh and I can’t suck enough of it up! We officially finished teaching English classes (as another job) but will start back up in February!
            So the year is coming to an end. Last Friday, we invited the local community to come see a play- which was put on by all of us who work at The Obra/the center. Monetti and I played English teachers in the play.

 The play was basically a short story of how Paraguay came to be an independent country from many many years ago up until today. That was hilarious and a lot of fun! It’s so cool that I work in this center with about 40 people- all of which are up for putting on a play for the local community at the end of the year. No complaints or I don’t want to’s. Everyone-- just excited to have some fun and put on a play. Such a fun feeling.

Summer break is in just a few days! We finished an order to the US which we are really proud of. New designs that totally rock! Monetti and I have also become hand and neck models for the products! Ahhhahaha!!

But, really. Never did we think we were signing up for a year of modeling here in Paraguay! Ahaha!

The artisans have been fantastic though and according to the sisters, this past year has been quite the successful one. So, we are really excited to have been a part of that and hopefully keep that going. We just had our end of the year Evaluation with the Sister this morning. We put a powerpoint together and were ready to get hammered by her, just because she’s the chief and ALWAYS means business. Anyways, turns out she was pretty pleased with what we put together. Tomorrow is the Work Evaluation.

There are many different jobs/work places within “The Obra”/the center where we work. Tomorrow each site has one or two people who present their work-successes, failures, and goals for the new year. Monetti and I will be presenting about the fair trade work IN SPANISH. God Help Us! Sometimes I think we so have this language down and other days I’m like who do we think we are?? So, as everything here, that should be an adventure standing up in front of 100 people. I’m hoping one of us passes out due to the heat so then we get excused from presenting. Speaking of heat, lets break it down. Never have I ever experienced the heat that I am experiencing right now. December 21st is the official 1st day of summer and it has already hit up to 109 degrees here. We are CONSTANTLY sweating. Literally, every second we are sweating. When I get out of the shower, my towel is so hot (just from sitting in the heated air) that it feels like Im putting a hot towel, fresh out of the dryer right to my skin. Our sheets our hot like this too from just sitting in the heat all day. Due to this heat, we have had to adjust a bit. For example, we currently have changed our bathroom habits. We now use the bathroom standing up because the toilet water is so hot that it steams. Literally. So, we are scared of burning our butts off from the steam, so we stand. We also are currently sleeping in the kitchen.

 The two fans in the bedroom rotate so so slowly and it has got to the point where we cant sleep because we are drenched and I don’t know, just cant sleep. Hence, us moving our beds into the kitchen. The fan in our kitchen is decent so we have been getting better sleep sleeping in the kitchen squished between the fridge and gas tank. Our beds take up the entire kitchen. Its been interesting cooking zapallo (squash) need-side to the mattress.  Our fridge makes this rumbling sound every 40 minutes or so, so we have been adjusting to that sound during the night as well. Ahaha! Our first night sleeping in the kitchen we didn’t sleep because we were laughing so hard. Anyways, we are starting to love our new bedroom as its so conveniently close to the food!
            Christmas! Well, where do I even start. We spent some time with our friend Andrea (20 years old). She lives with her 14 year old brother, 7 year old sister, 9 year old cousin and 14 year old cousin. We hung out with them a few days before Christmas and helped them make their Nativity House.

It was so much fun! Everyone here makes Nativity houses, big ones, for Christmas and leaves it up until January 6th, Three Kings Day. So there we were, drip sweating, laughing, listening to music, jumping from scorpions, eating mangoes, arranging the hay, carrying the dirt/sand, hanging up lights, putting this whole nativity house together. It came out awesome!

Monetti and I also couldn’t afford to buy a Christmas tree so we decided to make one out of all the books we had in our house. It is the cutest most perfect Christmas tree ever, with tape measure as tinsel, bandanas, shoe laces and draw strings from our PJ pants as tree wrap, and lets not forget a pine cone as our star! We also made snowflakes!

 I also colored a chimney and a fireplace while Monetti colored some stockings. We set up our fireplace right next to our tree.

We were really proud of our set-up that came to be where we ended up giving each other our Christmas presents we made for each other on Christmas night. But before that, let me give you a quick peek into Christmas Eve. We headed to Lourde’s house for Christmas Eve. Lourde’s is one of the cooks for the retired Sisters. She is 35 years old and lives with her mother, father, 4 year old daughter Valentina, and two other sisters, each of whom have one child as well. We headed there around 4:30pm to help cook Christmas dinner in the TATA QUA! Tata Qua is the guarani word for oven. It is made of rocks and dirt. It is this dome-like type cement oven outside.

We cooked chicken, pork (pig is the food to eat here for christmas), potatoe, beet, and corn salad, Sopa (hard soup), and more. Lourde’s and I scooped out the seeds of a calabaza (Paraguayan squash) and filled it with other veggies, topped with cheese for me since I don’t eat meat. RICISIMOOOOOO!!! So delicious! The tradition is to eat Christmas Dinner at midnight then everyone goes outside and shoots off fireworks and shoots their pistol guns in the air. Lets just say I stayed close to the house from fear of a falling bullet. Classic

Some other highlights from Christmas Eve night was playing with Lujan and Valentina (two 4 year olds girls I’ve mentioned in previous blogs).

It was a little hard being so far away from family during the holidays. One of my favorite things about Christmas is that it is a time I get to spend and see all my cousins-all 100 and something of them. This is the first year I have been away from my family ever, so being silly and playing with the girls, really helped lift my spirit. Valentina told me that Santa doesn’t come to her house because there is no snow and they don’t have a chimney.  Lourde’s mom said to me “we may not have a lot, but we have an unlimited amount of love in this house and we love to share it.”

I mean come on, how could I not get in the spirit of Christmas when I’m surrounded by such special people!  I feel so grateful to have shared Christmas Eve with such an incredible family.

 Christmas day started off with a lovely skype date from my insane family from home. There I am saying to myself “Jess, be present today! Its okay to miss your family, but be present. Find the joy that is right in front of you!” Waking up on Christmas morning, sweating next to the fridge, isn’t the same as waking up to Mom’s cooking or the smell of fresh baked cookies.  But then there was Gigi in her Victoria Secret matching PJ’s (as per ushe) wearing a Santa hat, there’s my Dad wearing a mullet wig, there’s Mike half sleeping up front in the camera, and then there’s Chris in a Muscle Superman Costume Suit. Do I expect anything less from the Simo family on Christmas morning?? No.

So, I was quickly swept into the spirit just by this. Story sharing, catching up, and many laughs later, I was ready- I was reboosted and ready to celebrate Christmas! On top of that, it started to rain. It hasn’t rained here in weeks and has been in the 100s! It rained Christmas morning. You know the feeling of excitement when you wake up Christmas morning and it’s snowing. I literally had that exact same feeling when I saw the water falling from the sky. Mother Nature paints the prettiest pictures!

We had lunch with the retired sisters which is always a blast. These sisters always have something to say or do that is just so classic. Hermana Modesta’s teeth fell out when she wished us a Merry Christmas. Awesome. She is the cutest. After lunch, we hung out with our friend Fabi and watched a Christmas movie.  Then I was really surprised by a Skype date from Shelly and the fam from Florida. Seeing my family, then getting an up-close shot of Grandma, Gina, and Izzy. Does it get any better?
I don’t think I could have gotten any more love than that! But oh, just wait! It’s night time, and as my dear friend Krystina and I are exchanging Christmas presents, I come to open- what has been my favorite Christmas present I think I have ever gotten.

A photo slideshow from my family with almost 200 pictures from my family Christmas party- seeing all my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma, everyone, right there! My family sent the party to me via pictures and I sat there for 30 minutes watching the slideshow with the biggest cheesiest smile on my face! I then proceeded to read some hilarious letters and get some top quality videos that my insanely cool friends sent me. I literally would have broke the Spirit-mometer- if one existed! I felt and feel SO SO SO SO LUCKY to have such wonderful people in my life. I really think I am the luckiest girl. I have to be! I have re-watched videos and re-read letters.  Everyone’s gift was unique to who they are that I was sitting there Christmas night, with a piece of them, here with me. So cool. I am so so so grateful for all of you, my family and my friends who are my family. I love you all so much. I really really mean it when I say THANK YOU for bringing your Christmas spirit here to me, a whole continent away. I’m still lit up.  So, thank you and I love you. I’ll admit it and say that there were a FEW tears shed by both Monetti and I this night because we just felt so loved and so so lucky. Krystina Yerba Monetti, Thank you for your thoughtful Christmas present. I love my hand-made green peace tree journal. Thank you for using your creative language to fill me with laughs, as you always do, oh to well. You da best. We are here and we are doing this. Christmas 2011, one like no other.

I’m signing out now. Monetti and I have two plane tickets to the end of the world (Southern Patagonia/tip of Chile and Argentina) and we leave in four days for 20 days (summer break here now) with nothing but our backpacks and each other. And so the adventure continues…

Monday, December 5, 2011

Iguazu Falls, Argentina = heaven.

November 25th, 2011 7:30am. Location: dirt roads of Itaugua, Paraguay. Mission: Peace Walk. Today is the International Day of Awareness of Violence Against Women and we are ready to be heard. With lots of planning in early November, it has finally all come together. Co-workers, artisans, local women, all of us holding our signs marching the streets. After the weeks of planning/organizing, it was so cool to be a part of the walk, see everything come together. My favorite part of all of it was the feeling of being here, on this little dirt road in Paraguay, helping put on a Violence Against Women Awareness March. I don't know how to explain it. Its a completely different feeling then being a part of a march or protest in the midst of NYC with thousands of people, where there are cameras/media and its on TV and its all glamourous to some extent, if that makes any sense. Here, I was marching, with women and children, maybe 50 to 75 of us altogether representing the whole country of Paraguay, some of which were crying, some laughing. Bruises, mosquito slapping, headaches from the insane sun, getting filthy from the dirt roads, crying and laughing and shouting and sweating all at the same time...nothing that is going to hit the news or any tv or anything over here but something that is so important. just a local 2 hour event trying to make a voice be heard.  All of these women, whether they were marching with us or just heard us on the street, are there in solidarity, with each other. Thats what it's all about.  

March in the morning...Argentina by night!

So our latest adventure was our visit to Iguazu Falls, Argentina. December 2nd marks our 3rd month here. We have a 90 day VISA so we have to cross the border to renew our VISAs every 90 days, hence making out border crossing into a trip/adventure to Argentina.
Six hours bus ride and we are loving it! Highlights from the busride:
1.       Pulling over on the side of a dirt road/no civilization whatsoever to pick up a random lady in a skirt who was selling Chipa. There we are driving for over an hour on an empty dirt road with NO stops and all of a sudden a random lady in a skirt and apron is on the side of the road selling Chipa (this bready/donut tradition food here). We pick her up and now she is our bus cater girl. Nothing like random Paraguayan food service on the side of a dirt road. Classic.
Sp   1.Spooning watermelon/skittles.

3.       2.Our bus seat neighbors- this interesting couple- a lady wearing all orange, including her hair scrunchy, orange ring and orange WINTER socks (it is high 90s out). Her husband who had the biggest diamond wedding Diva ring ever.
4.       3.The man sitting behind us with his shirt unbuttoned playing with his white chest hair.
5.       4.The man sitting diagonally across/behind us with his pants unbuttoned in luxurious spenders.
6.       5.NSA (bus company) is a double decker bus and we had front seats, literally on the top deck. It was quite interesting to be sitting there and all of a sudden approach a tree, see tree branches come right at your head, close your eyes, hear a big bang and then see leaves on the window and big branches on the side of the road. Ahhahahaha, we just causally were taking out trees because the bus was too tall. No big deal.

The bus leaves us in Cuidad del Este which is a city in Paraguay right near the border (an hour away from our final destination) around 7:30pm where we met the Paraguayan version of Bob Marley. All the buses and ferries to our destination JUST closed and night it creeping quickly. A taxi is our only option. After going back and forth with a taxi guy about crossing the border (he said at this hour, he can only cross through Brasil which we did not want to do being that we don’t have Brasilian VISAs/didn’t want to end up behind bars in Brasil), we decided it would be safest to plant in Cuidad del Este in such a random hotel named “Hotel Tia Nancy,” which was an experience in it of itself and shoot out in the morning.
6am! Wakey wakey, we were on the first bus out. With some crossing fingers hoping that we are translating correctly/doing the whole renewing the VISA process correctly (it was our first time), we made it through immigration, crossed the “Friendship Bridge,” and were in Puerto de Iguazu just in time to grab the free continental breakfast that Hostel Bambu provides. We walked into the hostel and boom I was hit with a wave of HEAVEN, totally in my element! 

The lady that ran the hostel was named Natalie and couldn’t be any sweeter/cooler! There are actually two Hostel Bambu’s-one called Hostel Bambu Guazu (big) and then right up the block Hostel Bambu Mini, which is where Mo and I were staying. Between the two hostels were AIR CONDITIONING bed rooms, ping pong, awesome bar set-ups, A POOL, and HAMMOCKS! 

Does it get any better!? It was totally our paradise and little did we know it was all just about to begin! There is so much detail that I really don’t even know where to start right now. I am just going to list some things because it is impossible to talk  about everything right now.

1.       Characters- life has so many characters, so many fun fun characters. There is Natalie & Chris, Argentinian hostel runners, Aaron (started his own charity in Africa) & Dan and their boy posse from England, there is talking-Martin from Austria, Mark from Holland, Australia girl, Emma from Switzerland, random 45 year old French man with fusia polo that didn’t speak one word, Estafano and Cristiano the two cute soccer boys from Italy, Denisse from Canada, and the list continues- from Belgium people, to France, to Germany, etc. etc. All such CHARACTERS! Hostel BBQs each night, sharing our individual adventures, 10 languages clashing at one table, going with one of our new friends as he got a new tat, to ping pong, to poolside, to tooooooo many laughs.

2.       Butterflies! There were soooo many butterflies!! Butterflies! Butterflies! Butterflies! There was this one specific butterfly with orange and purple wings that became Monetti and I’s bestie! She was beautiful! She walked the park with us BOTH days and I am not kidding. She landed on leg, then my hand, then my sunglasses. Monetti’s hand too. She did our hikes with us and everything! It was too cool.

3.       Day 1 Visit to Iguazu Falls (just recently named one of the top 7 wonders of Nature)
-Macuco Jungle Trail- an hour walk through the jungle where we saw all kinds of animals including huge lizards, snakes, and a monkey tribe crossing RIGHT over our heads which included a mom monkey holding its tiny baby monkey!! Oh another animal highlight was the raccoon. I forgot the name of it but it is the South American version of a raccoon. It looks like a raccoon except it is a little bigger and has a long snout. It jumped up and out into the walking path onto a lady to grab her bag of food she was carrying! So funny!!  A little scary but obviously I found it so funny!

-end of jungle walk lands you in the Natural Swimming pool and our first view of one of the waterfalls. AMAZING! Ended up staying here for 3 hours, swimming, eating lunch. My favorite (and scariest) part was climbing up the rocks behind the waterfall! Literally there is this huge powerful waterfall a foot in front of my face as the wind from its power is full force in my face as I look up watching the water come flooding down from well, heaven! There are no words to explain it! AT ALL! I was screaming on the top of my lungs because I literally didn’t know what else to do! You know in movies when you see someone screaming on the top of their lungs out of happiness, like one of those cheesy scenes…well that was totally me and I never understood the extent of how someone just shouts because something is cool..until that moment. It was literally all my body could do!

-Garganta de Diable (Devil’s throat). I can’t even explain this view of the waterfalls because literally I felt like I was in a fake world. This was definitely one of my favorite spots out of the entire weekend. It is insane! You are right on top of the waterfalls getting soaked by their spray. We were just standing there getting drenched not saying a word to each other because there are no words for it. Plus, there was a gigantic FULL rainbow where we could see every single individual color of the rainbow! If I were to make up what Heaven looks like- it is here.

Day 2 Visit- Being that we could not bring ourselves to  leave the natural swimming pool and Devil’s throat the first day, we had another full day at the park the following day to try to see all the other spots we hadn’t seen yet.
-We signed up for this “Gran Aventura” boat ride. We ran into a park ranger who was trying to get us to do his Jeep Rangler Jungle ride (which probs would have been awesome) but we couldn’t afford to do both. He was a highlight because as he was respectfully explaining why his excursion was better than the boat, he dropped the F bomb inbetween every 3 words with NO exaggeration at all. I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone curse so much in a matter of 5 minutes. Classic. Such a character!

-GRAN AVENTURA! We took this boat through the rapids close up to the Falls where we got slammed by the mist/spray from the falls. Being so close to the gigantic waterfalls like that was INSANEEE!!! I literally felt like one tiny grain of sand in the ground next to a the world’s biggest tsunami. Of course I had to go on the side of the boat so I could get as close as possible! I was lovinggg it! Monetti was screaming “Holy Shit!! Holy Shit!! Are you scared! I’m scared!” aahahaa. It was terrifying thrillinggggggg!!

-San Martin Island (which is closed more than it is opened due to the high water level/danger)
Our first day at the park the island was closed. But with luck on our side, it was OPEN the next day! So we spent 3 hours on this island after our boat excursion.

HOLY CRAP! Yet again, INSANE! We took a boat over to the island and spent some hours there, lunch on this beach surrounded by waterfalls! I still have a hard time grasping that!
We hardly spoke that much here either! The two days at the park were so ridiculously amazing, we were LITERALLY speechless most of the time. Literally. There was so much to take in, it was overwhelming! Sidenote-we spotted two cute soccer boys on the beach which later turned out to be the Italian boys at our hostel! Small world!

-The hike on San Martin Island was awesome. It was tough though. The stairs climbing up to the top of the mountain made STJ Women’s Soccer stadiums a piece of cake! With many breaks and some encouragement from this 80 year old fit old women, we made it! That was awesome! We saw a beautiful tucan with a huge beak during this hike! SO COOL!
Obviously there are a lot of little details inbetween but I could write for days just about this place! I thought I’d just give you a few highlights and then just tell you YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT YOURSELF to even understand one/tenth of what Im trying to explain.
Some other highlights from the weekend
-Puerto de Iguazu (the town where our hostel was/the falls were) was so awesome! It had all these little quirky shops with handmade everything. I loved the style of all the clothes! They were so many cool dream catchers made out of tree branches! So many things made out of recycled material. We made besties with one of the shop owners. He had some nanduti artisan’s work in his shop so we told him about the Fair Trade Business we work with in Paraguay and now he is our new business partner! We loved him the most because he creepily saw that I had a runny nose (due to the winds of the falls!) and randomly approached me giving me his packet of tissues and a rub on the back. It was at this moment that we became besties and now future business partners. He was so gentle!  
-ALMOST getting tattoos
-swimming in a pool at the hostel/the water by the waterfalls (remember Paraguay is a landlocked country. We have one lake here!)
-Mo hiden inbetween big rocks taken a nap like a creep while I crept away for my own mini stream adventure. Even in South America, people are disturbed by our weirdness.
-PIZZA! Pizza in Argentina actually somewhat tastes like pizza. Gold mind.
-Icecream. Always icecream.
-Grundler! When we signed up for the boat tour, the man that signed us up- his name was Grundler. We asked him what was a good time to do the tour. Within the 3 minutes we talked to him, he changed his mind about what time we should take it 7 times.
Grundy “You should do the 10:45am. Take the early run.”
Us “Okay.”
Grundy “No do the 11:45am then have lunch.”
Us “10:45 or 11:45am? If you were to pick one of the two which would you do?”
Grundy “10:45am.”
Us “ok”
Grundy “Come here I’m going to sign you up for the 11:45am”
Us “You are confusing us.”
Grundy “You know it doesn’t matter. What matters the most is that we are alive! WE ARE ALIVE!!!”
(I left out a few other times where he went back and forth between the time choice all in a matter of 3 minutes. Character- everyone is a character!)
-On our way back to Paraguay, the guy sitting next to us...his teeth fell out. He left them there on the seat. Dead serious.

I can go on and on with these random listings of small details that made this trip a hilarious one to remember, but I have black bean sauce dried on my leg so I should probably shower. All in all, this trip was probably one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had in my entire life and I feel beyond grateful to have experienced it! I have yet to see the Brasilian side of the Falls but through word of mouth, if you are going to pick a side of the falls to see the Argentinian side is the way to go! You will not be disappointed and I 100% promise you that! 

Con Cataratas, Mariposas, Hostels, and ADVENTURA,